The Agony Of Defeat: Jeb! Endorses Cruz
We're beyond pathos at this point.

ba·thos - (ˈbāTHäs/) - noun - (especially in a work of literature) an effect of anticlimax created by an unintentional lapse in mood from the sublime to the trivial or ridiculous.
Now it's double Jeopardy, where the scores can REALLY change!
TV's Frank Conniff said it best:
Luckily for Cruz, Jeb's support comes at the exact moment he needs an endorsement that won't make a bit of difference one way or another.
— Frank Conniff (@FrankConniff) March 23, 2016
And the rest of Twitter wondered why this is a thing.
Cruz announces support from Jeb at NY event. Man at back of the room asks aloud, "Is he happy about that for some reason?"
— Maggie Haberman (@maggieNYT) March 23, 2016
Jeb Bush endorses Ted Cruz in the awkward, desperate game of: "Way Too Little Way Too Late" #p2 #tcot
— R.Saddler (@Politics_PR) March 23, 2016
Key question on today's presidential race news: Does Cruz get Jeb's exclamation point, too? Could be a game-changer.
— Jon Ralston (@RalstonReports) March 23, 2016
PS The Demons at "Club for Growth" also gave up and endorsed Cruz as well.
Jeb and the Club For Growth endorsing Cruz basically says which way the oligarchy is leaning, and that way is towards desperation
— Jesse LaGreca (@JesseLaGreca) March 23, 2016