Bolling Defends Trump: 'There Are Other Things You Can Do On Your Knees'

Donald Trump's biggest apologist believes his 'different,' outsider status makes him the best choice for the GOP.

Eric Bolling truly believes that Trump is exactly what the GOP deserves needs right now. He feels this way because Donald Trump is merely 'different' than the other candidates.

When The Five co-host feels uncomfortable because a colleague reminds him of positions he's taken in the past, he plays the “Please don’t put words in my mouth” card. This edition of Versus with Alan Colmes was no different.

A few days ago, with regards to Trump's remark that Romney would have gotten on his knees for him, Bolling said, 'I go to my knees in church all the time.' He claims that those remarks on his show were 'tongue in cheek.' But seriously, what was Trump really saying?

COLMES: What do you think Trump meant, (crosstalk) what do you think Trump meant?

BOLLING: I don't think anything, I'm just responding...to (inaudible)

COLMES: You really like this guy, you think he'd be a good president. This is a guy who insults disabled...

BOLLING: First of all, you're putting words in my mouth again. I've known Donald a long time...


BOLLING: ...whether or not he'd be a good president. I think, here's what I've said in the past and I'll stand by it. I'd like something different. I think we've had, we've had Republicans and Democrats who haven't been good presidents

COLMES: Does different mean good?

BOLLING: I don't know. But certainly what we've had isn't (sic) been good

COLMES: But different for the sake of different's not a good idea?

BOLLING: Sometimes it is, but we don't know...


COLMES: Different for the sake of different?

BOLLING: I don't know, you could have a different guest and it might be better or it could be worse, we don't know. ...You wanted me to come on here and fight with you by putting words in my mouth saying I'd defend Donald Trump all steps of the way.

Bolling did say that Donald should have denounced David Duke's endorsement immediately. He elaborated on his claim that different has to be better than the past McCain and Romney defeats. Even though this particular front runner exhibits eerily similar characteristics as the demagogue villains of WWII, he's at least different.

Colmes lands another blow by pointing out how little Trump understands about enacting legislation. Alan reminds his guest that Trump's 43% support with GOP (angry White) voters is nothing like Trump's standing with all US voters. Colmes utters the uncomfortable fact that the usual Fox 'News' suspects always ignore: the GOP is racist.

COLMES: The Republican Party created Trump by dog-whistling, dog-whistling to

BOLLING: No, no, no.... but by being a failure. The GOP establishment created Trump by failing at everything they've done. They made promises about repealing Obamacare, they've made promises about lowering taxes, they've made promises about lowering spending and none of them came true.

Bolling argues that Kasich isn't a real Conservative, even with his support for de-funding Ohio's Planned Parenthood. If he had a choice to select a GOP candidate for the job, Bolling favors Old Testament zealot and human irritant, Ted Cruz. Bolling says that he thinks Trump has got a better shot of beating Hillary than Cruz. Alan reveals another uncomfortable truth.

COLMES: I think your party is screwed.

Colmes advises that the ticket include Kasich, at least as VP, for them to have a chance in November.

Not sure if it was his intent, but Bolling lets this juicy tidbit slip out at the end of the interview:

BOLLING: It's going to a brokered convention, it's going to be Rubio and Kasich, that's what they're going to try to do.

No matter what happens, let's hope the Republicans see first hand that Karma is a bitch. They've certainly earned it.

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