Clinton On Obama And SCOTUS: Together, We Have To Defend All Of Our Rights

Hillary Clinton gives a Presidential speech about unifying stark contrast to GOP candidates.

Hillary Clinton gave an impassioned speech about unifying people, supporting the President on his SCOTUS nominee (supposedly, coming down tomorrow) and managed to get in a few solid digs at Trump, the presumptive GOP nominee. A few notable quotes:

Civil rights, voting rights, workers rights, Women's right, LGBT rights and rights for people with disabilities. And that starts by standing with President Obama when he nominates a justice to the Supreme Court. Our next President will face all these challenges and more. Running for President is hard, but being President is harder....


No one person can succeed at the job without seeking and finding common ground to solve the problems we face. If we work together, we can make a real difference in peoples lives. If we reach out to treat each other with respect kindness and even love, instead of bluster and bigotry. If we lift each other up instead of tearing each other down, there is nothing we can't accoplish"

That is the speech of a person qualified to be President. Compare it to the hate rhetoric and violence inciting venom we hear from Trump.

There is no comparison.

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