CNN's Jeffrey Lord Blames Liberals For Provoking Violence At Trump Rallies

CNN's Trump apologist in chief was at it again following the latest round of violence at one of his rallies.

CNN's Trump apologist in chief was at it again following the latest round of violence at one of his rallies. Their new "analyst" Jeffrey Lord has shown himself to be a real piece of work, whether it's defending Trump's offensive tweets about Megyn Kelly, or practically getting into a fist fight with Van Jones over Trump's KKK connections, or pretending that the KKK is a "leftist" organization.

On this Thursday's CNN Newsroom with Brooke Baldwin, Lord took up for Trump once again after one of his supporters sucker punched a protester at his event in Fayetteville, North Carolina, and Lord blamed the protester for supposedly "provoking" the violence.

Here's more via Raw Story: CNN’s Jeffrey Lord: Liberals get sucker-punched at Trump rallies because they ‘provoke’ it

CNN contributor Jeffrey Lord argued on Thursday that a black man who was sucker-punched at a Donald Trump rally this week was guilty of “provoking” the GOP candidate’s supporters.

After authorities in North Carolina charged 78-year-old John McGraw with assaulting Rakeem Jones on Thursday, CNN host Brooke Baldwin asked if the violence was the result of the anger being fomented at Trump’s rallies.

U.S. News & World Report Senior Politics correspondent David Cantanese said that it was important that Trump immediately denounce the pattern of violence against protesters, photographers and journalists at his rallies.

“The American left has a long and detailed history of doing exactly this,” Lord disagreed. “That is what we’re talking about. We are talking about people who show up at rallies — Donald Trump’s or whatever — to provoke. They are in search of violence. That’s what their intention is.”

“What do you think the 1968 Democratic Convention was all about?” Lord asked. “It’s history!”

According to the CNN contributor, Trump did not have a responsibility to denounce the violence because liberals had been using the same tactics for “decades.”

“What I’m saying is there are people that go to these rallies with the deliberate intent of provoking people,” Lord opined. “It is not okay to provoke somebody to violence. Period. Under any circumstances.”

Lord of course completely ignored the fact that the one out there provoking violence is Trump himself. He also got a big aid and assist from his fellow wingnut and Trump supporter, Kayleigh McEnany, who was so desperate to play the "both sides do it" game that she found a way to work President Obama and the New Black Panthers into the conversation.

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