Cruz Implies What We All Know: Trump Is Responsible For Violence At His Rallies

During an interview with Meet The Press this weekend, Ted Cruz implies that Trump is responsible for violence at his rallies.

Ted Cruz appears to have developed a tiny spine when it comes to talking about the uptick in violence at Donald Trump's rallies. During an interview yesterday with “Meet the Press,” Cruz even went so far as to say:

"I don't think we should be using angry and hateful rhetoric. I don't think we should be cursing at people. And I'll tell you, listen, I've been troubled. I mentioned at the debate this week. I'm troubled by the rallies that Donald holds, where he asks all the people there to raise their hand and pledge their support to him."

Good to see Cruz calling Trump out on his hate speech, on his Nazi like pledge, etc.

Chuck Todd played a clip of President Obama specifically addressing the Trump Rallies in which the President says:

"And what's been happening in our politics lately is not an accident. For years, we've been told we should be angry about America and that the economy's a disaster. And that we're weak. And that compromise is weakness. And that you can ignore science and you could ignore facts and say whatever you want about the president. And feed suspicion about immigrants and Muslims and poor people and people who aren't like us."

Chuck Todd asks Cruz to respond to the idea that this isn't new, the hate speech that Trump is spewing. Cruz deflects, refusing to answer the actual question:

"You know, Chuck, Barack Obama's a world class demagogue. That language there is designed to divide us. No, Mr. President, we're not angry at that. We're angry at politicians in Washington, including you, who ignore the men and women who elected you...we're mad at a president who wants to bring in Syrian refugees who may be infiltrated by ISIS. And you're unwilling to be commander in chief and keep us safe."

Chuck Todd then asks Cruz if he thinks that what Obama has done is worse than what Trump has been doing. Guess what he said?

"To be honest, I think it's very much the same."

So now Hillary is Obama 2.0, Sanders is a socialist and Trump is...like Obama?

Then they switch to the actual nomination and when pushed to explain how he can possibly get more delegates than Trump, Cruz gets defensive, confident that he will be the nominee. Chuck Todd pushes back by asking directly:

"Are you going to win any state on Tuesday? Are you going to win any state on Tuesday?"


Cruz, clearly not able to answer yes, pushes back and says it is "up to the voters." Well, duh, it is an election.

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