Delusional Sarah Huckabee Sanders Ignores Poll: Trump Will Do Great Among Women Voters
Sarah Huckabee ignores all recent polls and continues to peddle the idea that Trump will do great among women voters
Apparently, the only polls that matter to Republicans are the ones that have them in the lead because Sarah Huckabee Sanders (Mike Huckabee's daughter) blindly parroted a ridiculous idea that women continue to love Trump, even though 74% of women have a remarkably unfavorable view of him, per the most recent CNN poll. Yes, 3 in 4 women!
Regarding "War of the Wives" - Huckabee deflected by placing blame on Cruz for starting the "wife bashing" kerfuffle, bashed Hillary Clinton and talked about how tough Trump is and how women love a tough man.
So this 74% that have a terrible view of Trump just don't know what's good for them, eh?