Fox’s Lou Dobbs Attacks ‘Sop’ Paul Ryan For Condemning Trump’s Refusal To Disavow David Duke And The KKK
FBN’s Lou Dobbs accused “sop” Paul Ryan of doing President Obama’s bidding by criticizing Donald Trump for refusing to disavow David Duke and the KKK in an interview last week.
FBN’s Lou Dobbs accused “sop” Paul Ryan of doing President Obama’s bidding by criticizing Donald Trump for refusing to disavow David Duke and the KKK in an interview last week.
Dobbs began his attack on Ryan right in the introduction of the segment: “Speaker Paul Ryan proving today he’s not above play dirty politics. Did I say filthy politics? Earlier Ryan weighed in on the manufactured controversy of whether Trump had fully disavowed former KKK Grand Wizard David Duke.”
This is not the first time a Fox host has described Trump’s refusal – three times – to disavow Duke and the KKK, when asked about their support on State of the Union, as a faux controversy.
Speaker of the House Paul Ryan saw it differently. Dobbs played a clip of him saying, “I want to be very clear about something. If a person wants to be the nominee of the Republican Party, there can be no evasion and no games. They must reject any group or cause that is built on bigotry. This party does not prey on people’s prejudices.”
Most reasonable people would have no problem with that comment but not Dobbs! He said, “Wow!” before introducing his guests, Republican strategist Ed Rollins and New York Post columnist Michael Goodwin.
Goodwin sided with Trump and alleged that Ryan’s statement was “clearly aimed at influencing the vote tonight.”
“So that makes him [Ryan] the enemy of the candidates out there for whom one could draw such an inference?” Dobbs responded.
Goodwin agreed and accused Ryan of putting his thumb on the scale in advance, as an anti-Trump maneuver.
Dobbs whined that Ryan, as a member of the establishment was “subverting the will of the people.”
After Goodwin mentioned that Romney is trying to do the same thing, Dobbs called him and Ryan the “two amigos.”
“Who wants these guys around?” Dobbs continued. “I’m sorry to use Trumpian language but they’re losers. They’re big losers and they should have been winners.”
Dobbs also threw Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell into his group of “medicorities.” Dobbs added, “They have lost so much for the Republican party - to even make a claim on the status quo is pathetic, let alone wanting to support it against all comers.”
As a final insult, Dobbs accused Ryan of being an Obama pawn: “I’m talking about a sop like Paul Ryan who is doing the bidding of Barack Obama.”
That ended this edition of Republican Civil War, from FBN’s March 1 Lou Dobbs Tonight.
Crossposted at News Hounds.
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