Fox's Wingnut Judge Pirro Attacks Liberals For Supposedly Censoring Trump

Judge Pirro goes on a rant about Trump and how he is not responsible for the violence.

Judge Jeanine Pirro, Republican former Judge from New York and Fox News host, weighed in on the question of protesters at Donald Trump rallies. Here are some notable quotes, where she clearly takes the side of The Donald, inciter of violence and preacher of hate rhetoric.

"Since when if you state an opinion are you responsible for someone's reaction? Since when if you verbally lean right are you responsible for the left's physical reaction?"

Um, when your candidate vows to pay the legal bills of supporters who assault protesters, you actually take responsibility. Literally, you are taking monetary responsibility.

"Since when do you have the right to interrupt my First Amendment right to listen to a candidate for the highest office in the land? This is America. Not the Soviet Union. This is America."

Well, if you listen to your candidate, it seems that he thinks this is Nazi Germany, circa 1930's.

"You cannot prevent me from speaking or listening. You cannot censor speech. Free speech is guaranteed. It's why our Founding Fathers made it their very first amendment to the law of the land. It's what distinguishes us from communist countries and totalitarian regimes. It's why people risk their lives to come here."

Last I checked, the protesters are exercising their rights to free speech, correct?

"You have the right to protest. If you want to dissent, dissent. Consider a blog, a tweet, hell, put a sign on your front lawn, how about vote for someone else."

Uh, last I checked, protests are often done in person, not from home on a computer.

"And you want to blame the dustup on Donald Trump? Even when protestors come for the specific purpose of creating chaos. Someone sucker punches someone else and then rightfully arrested, that's supposed to be Trump's fault?"

Seriously? Trump actually encourages violence. He offers to pay the legal bills when his followers assault peaceful, even silent, protesters. Yes, it is Trump's fault.

"A criminal law primer. Words do not justify violence. You cannot defend assault by arguing verbal provocation. Otherwise every man who battered a woman can say he was justified because she "mouthed off."

So Trump encouraging violence is totally acceptable from a presidential candidate? This is insanity.

"We've never been more divided. Religions being forced to act against their principles, Republicans characterized as wanting dirty air and dirty water."

Denying climate change, Flint water being poisoned by a Republican Governor...yes, your party has divided us all.

"This is America, you cannot stop us and you cannot silence us. Beware the sleeping giant – the silent majority of us. We will not be silenced."

Maybe we can't silence you, but hopefully people will get tired and just turn off the channel.

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