Hey Foxnewsicans! Who Taught You How To Do This Stuff?

Gretchen Carlson cannot buh-lieve Trump supporters believe counter to facts!

Today's episode of "The Lies of Our Days" in which Fox News killbot Gretchen Carlson helps recently-resigned Breitbart spokesraptor, Kurt Bardella, cry in his beer over the teddible, teddible treatment that Breitbart management is meting out to its underlings is probably the single funniest god damn thing I have seen in a month.


Well, at the center of their bill of particulars is this (alleged) assault on a Breitbart "reporter" by Donald J. Trump's campaign "manager":

Six employees of Breitbart, the conservative news and opinion site founded by the late Andrew Breitbart, have quit over its response to the alleged assault of one of its reporters by Donald Trump's campaign manager, Corey Lewandowski.

On Friday, Breitbart reporter Michelle Fields filed a criminal complaint against Lewandowski for allegedly grabbing her and dragging her to the ground at a Trump rally Wednesday in Jupiter, Florida. Police in Jupiter are investigating the incident. Ben Terris, a reporter for The Washington Post, claims the incident happened as Fields described it.

The upshot is that six Breitbart employees (so far) have jumped ship over this incident (and rightly so) because Breitbart management's allegiance is clearly to Trump (who is lying) and not their own employee (who is not lying). But what is the Existential Context of the grievance that these former Brietbartians are bringing to Gretchen Carlson's door? What is the Broader Sociological Issue which distresses and vexes and completely baffles Ms. Fields and Ms. Carlson and Mr. Bardella?

It is the fact that Ms. Fields has evidence, damnit! Hard, objective data. Eye-witnesses. Audio tape.

And yet...

And yet...

And yet...

You show these facts to the Trumpshirts and they (sob) ... they just don't (sob) ... they just don't care!

It's almost as if (sob) the Trumpshirts are somehow (sob) completely impervious to facts and reason!

And then Fox cut away to (no kidding) live coverage of unhinged Wasilla escapee and former Fox News employee, Sarah Palin, doing her rambling English-in-a-Cuisinart, Liberals-are-the-Terrorists-You-Betcha Dance of the Seven Rills schtick in front of a crowd of rapt Trumpshirts.

(pause to compose myself)

Well golly, Michelle. And gosh, Kurt. And Jiminy Christmas, Gretchen. Where oh where in the Wide World of Sport do you suppose that Donald J. Trump's vast and ignorant wingnut army picked up this teddible, teddible habit of belligerently ignoring objective reality in favor of the feel-good fairy tales that some yapping right-wing liar was spinning for them?

They learned it from you, Fox!

crossposted from Driftglass

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