Insane New GOP Chair In Texas County Is Two Degrees Of Separation From Trump

This is unsurprising, actually.

In non-presidential election results last night, the county that includes Austin, Texas, elected a Republican chairman who's a rage-driven, unsocialized head case -- and who recently co-authored a book with a man who's been a top Donald Trump aide:

The newly elected chair of the Republican Party in the county that includes the Texas Capitol spent most of election night tweeting about former Gov. Rick Perry’s sexual orientation and former President Bill Clinton’s penis, and insisting that members of the Bush family should be in jail.

He also found time to call Hillary Clinton an “angry bull dyke” and accuse his county vice chair of betraying the values of the Republican Party.

“The people have spoken,” Robert Morrow, who won the helm of the Travis County GOP with 54 percent of the vote, told The Texas Tribune. “My friends and neighbors and political supporters -- they wanted Robert Morrow.”

... vice chair Matt Mackowiak, ... a Republican strategist, immediately announced over social media that he would do everything in his power to remove Morrow from office.

... Morrow, who’s also tweeted that Sen. Marco Rubio of Florida is “very likely a gayman who got married,” said he supports the brand of Republican politics he most closely associates with Donald Trump and Sen. Ted Cruz.

Morrow's greatest obsession is Clinton-hate, as a 2008 Tampa Bay Times profile made clear:

"Chelsea is the seed of Web Hubbell and not Bill Clinton. Would I bet my life on it? No. I would bet my pickup truck," he declares between bites of salmon. "Hillary Clinton was sleeping with both of her law partners, Webb Hubbell and Vince Foster. And she's a lesbian, too."

Morrow, a perpetually indignant, single 43-year-old, pretty much devotes his life to hating the Clintons and spreading wild, unsubstantiated allegations about them....

With no job except occasional day trading of stocks, Morrow spends anywhere from one to 10 hours a day researching Clinton dirt or e-mailing and phoning reporters across the country about his conclusions.

Morrow's ravings (against the Clintons, against the Bushes, against other politicians) are the product a diseased, rage-driven mind; even if you don't like Media Matters, I recommend this collection of his rants if you have an interest in psychological deviance -- it's worse than a Michael Savage radio marathon, worse than a Breitbart comments section. The material is raw and repulsive -- I'm not a big fan of trigger warnings, but I'm warning you about this material. Hillary Clinton accused of having maggots in her private parts? Yes. Suggestions of incest between Bill and a pre-adolescent Chelsea Clinton? Yes. George H.W. Bush described as "a homosexual pedophile"? Yes. Michelle Obama accused of having a penis? Yes.

So, of course, when Roger Stone -- dirty trickster, Nixon tattoo bearer,founder of the interestingly acronymed anti-Hillary "organization"Citizens United Not Timid, and once (and future?) Donald Trump campaign surrogate -- wanted a co-author for his book The Clintons' War on Women, Morrow (described as an "alternative historian") was his choice.

In this groundbreaking book, New York Times bestselling author Roger Stone and researcher and alternative historian Robert Morrow map the arc of Bill and Hillary’s crimes and cover-ups. They reveal details about their actions in Arkansas, during Bill Clinton’s time in the White House, about who really ordered the deadly attack on the Branch Davidian compound in Waco, during Hillary’s tenure as secretary of state, about their time at the Clinton Foundation, and during Hillary’s current campaign for president.

This is the first book to shed light on the couple’s deeply personal violations of the people they crushed in their obsessive quest for power. Along the way, Stone and Morrow reveal the family’s darkest secrets, including a Clinton family member’s drug rehab treatment that was never reported by the press, Hillary Clinton’s unusually close relationship with a top female aide, and a stunning revelation of such impact that it could strip Bill Clinton of his current popularity and derail Hillary’s push to be the second Clinton in the White House.

To judge from a recent RedState interview, Stone is still acting making media appearances as a Trump surrogate, even though he officially left the Trump campaign a few month ago. He's flogging material from the book he wrote with crazy Robert Morrow. That puts Morrow two degrees of separation from the likely Republican candidate for president.

Robert Morrow -- author, "alternative historian," GOP county chairman, and the guy who posted this on Facebook (and don't say I didn't warn you):


That guy won. Twenty-five thousand Travis County Republicans voted for him.

(Crossposted from No More Mister Nice Blog)

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