It's The Economy, Stupid

Bernie proves, and Hillary re-learns, the core lesson from Clinton campaigns past.

As of this writing, Secretary Hillary Clinton still has a commanding lead in the delegate contest, and has earned every bit of it.

But it turns out that Bill Clinton's 1992 election strategy of "focusing like a laser" on the economy still has enormous resonance 24 years later with people who have been screwed, blued and tattooed by our rigged system.

Senator Sanders took that message to America's capital of de-industrialization and tomb of he American dream and told them that settling for a future of triangulation, crooked trade deals and amnesty for Wall Street hoodlums wasn't good enough anymore. And voters responded.

So good on him.

Also both Democratic candidates continue to conduct themselves with light-years more substance and honor than the entire GOP field.

So good on us.

Excerpted from Driftglass

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