It's Not In Your Head: 'Trump Anxiety' Is A Thing

The Washington Post reports the rise of Trump is triggering.

The rise of Trump is causing mental distress. Wapo:

Hand-wringing over Trump’s rapid climb, once confined to Washington’s political establishment, is now palpable among everyday Americans who are growing ever more anxious over the prospect of the billionaire reaching the White House.

With each Trump victory in the GOP primaries and caucuses, Democrats and Republicans alike are sharing their alarm with friends over dinner, with strangers over social media and, in some cases, with their therapists. A recent Washington Post/ABC News poll showed that 69 percent of Americans said the idea of “President Trump” made them anxious.

One citizen summed it up perfectly. Emphasis mine:

Nancy Lauro, 52, a Brooklyn art teacher, sat at her computer recently and searched Google for information about acquiring Italian citizenship. She also inquired about Ireland, where she has family roots.

“As phobias and fears ago,” Lauro said later of her query, “this is not a pathological response to a normal situation, but a normal response to a pathological situation. Picking up one’s life feels impossible, but I keep flashing on those people who fled Germany when the writing was on the wall and those who didn’t. When do you take action to get out?”

This would not be the first time a nation got stressed out by world events. I myself watched a relative check herself into the hospital over stress when President Clinton was impeached. Stress created by news stories is not uncommon. Reports of increased stress over random shootings are completely understandable, for instance.

But this stress is something the nation is doing to itself. Raising the ugly bar of racial profiling, bullying, and obnoxious rhetoric is happening in ONE party, by ONE group of voters. All of the candidates that ONE party have signed a pledge to support this bozo if he gets enough votes.

And the voters he has attracted are nasty and violent to non-whites attending the "Trump Rallies." The very term "Trump Rally" is now reminiscent of fascist gatherings of the 1930s for many who remember that era.

It's way too late for that ONE party, that has encouraged White Power, anti-immigrant, xenophobic fact-denial for decades, to do anything about Trump. It is up to the rest of us to swarm to the ballot box and stop him.

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