Anti-Defamation League Turns Trump's Donations To Anti-Bigotry Education

Taking Trump's money and directing it toward anti-bias education.

Anti-Defamation League Turns Trump's Donations To Anti-Bigotry Education

You don't have to agree with everything a group endorses, to applaud this. The Anti-Defamation League has totalled up the donations they have received over the years from Donald Trump, and they're re-directing them to make a statement about Trump's rhetoric. From their Time Magazine editorial (emphasis added):

In the past decade or so, Trump contributed a total of $56,000 to our organization. In the late 1990s, we even praised him for speaking out against the historically discriminatory practices at South Florida resorts. He was asked to be featured at an ADL fundraising dinner, and Trump provided a quote praising a book written by my predecessor. I have no doubt that Trump, over the years, has contributed to other Jewish organizations.

These undoubtedly were sincere gifts. But, in light of how Trump has changed, ADL’s leadership has decided that we must change how we approach his contributions to our organization.

We have decided to redirect the amount of funds that Trump contributed to ADL over the years specifically into anti-bias education programs that address exactly the kind of stereotyping and scapegoating he has injected into this political season. For starters, we plan to use these funds to expand our nationally renowned No Place for Hate® educational program and enable schools in 10 regions across the country to increase their anti-bias and anti-bullying work.

But we don’t want to do it alone.

I call on other Jewish groups—and any other philanthropies and non-profits—also to redirect any funds that may have been given to them by Trump and use them for similar initiatives to combat hate, promote tolerance, and build a stronger American community....

Let's hope the Donald Trump phenomenon leads to a greater commitment to equality and social justice from all of us.

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