North Carolina Gets Hit With Lawsuit Regarding Bathroom Law Targeting Transgender Individuals

The ACLU filed suit today against North Carolina regarding discriminatory new law related to bathroom usage by transgender individuals.

Last week, North Carolina passed a shockingly discriminatory law that would require all individuals to use the bathroom based on the designation of their gender at birth, not the gender they identify with currently. This law would place undue harm and inflict possible danger on anyone in the transgender community who would be forced to use the bathroom of their gender at birth. There is literally no reason for this law. None, zero, zilch - except abject hate and homophobia.

Three individuals, as well as the American Civil Liberties Union of North Carolina, Lambda Legal and Equality NC, filed a lawsuit in federal court challenging the law. The lawsuit requests a declaratory judgment on the basis that it violates the Constitution and Title IX. It also requests an injunction against enforcement of the law.

Response to this discriminatory law came fast after it hit mainstream media. The National Basketball Association, as well as many large corporations such as Apple, Dow Chemical and PayPal, spoke out publicly against the legislation. San Francisco has moved to ban all government travel to North Carolina as well.

Here is the lawsuit.


This law needs to go. End of story.

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