Now Tucker Carlson Says You 'Can't Hit People' At Trump Rallies

If there's one thing you can count on from the liars over on Fox "news," it's their ability to completely contradict themselves from one day to the next.

If there's one thing you can count on from the liars over on Fox "news," it's their ability to completely contradict themselves from one day to the next.

One day after allowing their favorite wingnut sheriff to appear on the air and say that protesters should be "hit first and hit hard," Fox & Friends host Tucker Carlson said this about the violence around and at these Donald Trump rallies.

CARLSON: Well, the whole thing is crazy and Donald Trump says it's not a problem. There's absolutely a problem. There was a highway blocked yesterday. There was a door smashed at a Trump campaign headquarters and there was the assaulting you just saw right there. Force is a problem. I think... here's the first principle, you can't use force. You can articulate your ideas. You can debate people you disagree with. You can't use force. You can't prevent people from listening. You can't prevent people from traveling and you can't hit people.

Tucker also wants us to believe that he just really doesn't understand what it is that Trump has done to get all of these protesters so worked up. After playing a clip of the man who was sucker punched at a Trump rally this weekend who explained very clearly why people are showing up at his rallies, and the difference between what you're seeing at Sanders rallies and Trump rallies, Carlson told his audience that it's all about Trump's "moral qualities" and not his policies.

CARLSON: Here's the point. Listen to what the guy said. “I was protesting Trump's fascism, his racism, his lies, his women hating.” Not one of these is an issue, okay? So Trump is getting out, and you may not agree with him, he's saying, I believe this, this and that, but they're not protesting any of this, this or that. They're protesting his soul. He's a racist, he's a sexist.

All the criticism of Trump is about his moral qualities. I don't think we should have a presidential campaign based on that. I don't even know what that means. If you disagree with something he believes, explain why your version is better. They don't even bother!

Carlson needs to take a good long look in the mirror if he wants a look at the person who can't articulate which policies these protesters have a issues with.

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