Perry: 'Real Conservatives' At Contested Convention Will Support Ted Cruz

Who wouldn't want to get in line behind the least likeable guy in the U.S. Senate?

Rick Perry has faith in the "Real Republicans" of his party to eventually do the right thing at the RNC Convention this July 18-21. Governor Good Hair expects the true, Republican delegates to ultimately rally around the only true Conservative left in the GOP Presidential Race. The man who Lindsey Graham suggested be shot on the Senate Floor, before endorsing him of course, Ted Cruz is their only hope. Just ask Obi Wan Kenobi.

Maria Bartiromo addresses the insurmountable and almost impossible uphill battle that Cruz must face just to overcome the math, and the delegate shortfall compared with Trump. Governor Perry admits to how much of an arduous and uphill battle this will be, no doubt.

BARTIROMO: But Governor, doesn't this mean that he's going to have to 'run the table,' win EVERY SINGLE CONTEST from here out in?'

GOV PERRY: Nobody said this was going to be easy at this point in time, but there still is an avenue for Senator Ted Cruz to get to 1237 before the convention. It is doable.

Perry praises the collaborative efforts of Walker and Ryan before Tuesday's important Wisconsin Primary and they are working hard to help Cruz win that state decisively and prevent another Trump win. .

BARTIROMO: Let's talk about the delegates up for grabs. They're not Trump Delegates, they're not Cruz Delegates, they're GOP Delegates. And they can go any way.

Perry calls these delegates the 'Real Republicans,' or 'Activist Republicans:' The party faithful who espouse all the traits of their Republican platform:(he says) Pro-life, pro-traditional family, (we know that these include) pro-homophobia, pro-discrimination, anti-women, anti-poverty assistance, pro-gun proliferation, and pro-voter suppression, among many other disgracefully embarrassing stances on key issues they all wear as a badge of honor.

It matters not that the rest of the world thinks today's Republicans are unbearably cruel, Jesus makes everything okay. Perry believes that because Trump's followers are not philosophically Republicans, they are not in that conservative camp, so these GOP Delegates will not defect to the side of an imposter Republican like Donald Trump. Those Party Faithful Republicans will indubitably change sides and go with Ted Cruz....until his citizenship issue derails his efforts....who then? Willard? Ryan? Maybe if guns are allowed at the convention, they can shoot it out?

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