Rick Snyder, Your Bucket Is Ready

There is a special place in hell for people like Rick Snyder.

Rick Snyder, Your Bucket Is Ready

There is a special place in hell for people like Rick Snyder.

It seems Snyder has gone and hired himself two defense attorneys to deal with the mess arising out of Flint, but he’s making the people of Flint pay for it. And every other taxpayer in the state.

That’s because their official job is to handle all the lawsuits directed at the State from an “investigatory” standpoint. But defending the “State” is actually defending the Governor, and all of the leg work, research and other legal dumpster diving they do on his behalf is covered by the good people of Michigan to the tune of nearly half a million bucks.

Why “nearly” $500,000? Because each lawyer is getting $249,000 for working just the rest of this year. Coincidentally, that’s $1,000 below the threshold where Snyder’s expenditure would have to go before a review board.

Snyder may be going to Hell in a taxpayer-funded bucket, but when he gets there, he’ll spend eternity with nothing to drink but molten lead.


Crossposted at juanitajean.com

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