Sean Hannity And Jorge Ramos Duke It Out Over Immigration

Why yes, Sean Hannity, you are a racist.

Sean Hannity treated veteran journalist Jorge Ramos with the kind of disrespect and contempt that would have gotten him squawking like a stuck chickenhawk if any liberal host dared to treat him that way.

Ramos’ sin, in Hannity’s eyes, was to call his BFF Donald Trump a racist. “You throw around this word ‘racism’ with a sense of being so casual I find offensive,” Hannity complained.

Of course, what Hannity meant was, he’s offended at a white man being called a racist. Because when black people are cast as racists, he doesn't mind.

Ramos’ other sin was to argue that Mexican immigrants are not the kinds of criminals Donald Trump painted them as. But Hannity has visited the border a few times and that, apparently, makes him a bigger expert than Mexican-born Ramos, known as the Walter Cronkite of Latino America.

HANNITY: I’ve been down to the Mexican border. …I sat through an intelligence briefing on the border, with our border officials and Governor Rick Perry and they showed the numbers (of criminal immigrants) and they put up on the screen, over an eight-year period, that there were 642,000 crimes committed by illegal immigrants against Texans including rape and murder.

FactCheck.org debunked this data in 2014. But Hannity apparently doesn’t need no stinkin' fact check. “I have been down to the border more than any other reporter I know,” he later boasted.

And that was all the credibility he needed to all but call Ramos a criminal: “You don’t support the rule of law in America, otherwise you would say, ‘Respect our laws,’” Hannity said condemningly.

Actually, Ramos never said anything to indicate a disrespect for U.S. laws but we know for sure that Cliven-Bundy-loving and torture-supporting Hannity readily disrespects U.S. laws when they get in the way of his agenda.

“Are you willing to gamble with the lives of the American people?” Hannity asked accusingly. “I’m not.”

Of course he is. Hannity not only lusts for more war, he still loves the Iraq war. Not that he ever put his own fanny on the line for his country. Heck, he’s still ducking his pledge to undergo waterboarding, which he called “dunking," for charity.

But if there’s anything Hannity loves more than war or torture, it’s defending white racists.

“You gotta think twice about throwing that ‘racist’ word around,” he lectured Ramos.

Well, I’ve thought about it for years and I’ll proudly throw it: Sean Hannity is a racist.

Watch his disgusting treatment of Ramos above, from the March 23 Hannity.

Crossposted at Newshounds.us

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