Trump And Hannity Salivate To Put Terror Suspects ‘Through The Wringer’ In Wake Of Brussels Attacks

Sean Hannity and Donald Trump think it’s downright un-American not to love torture the way they do.

Sean Hannity and Donald Trump think it’s downright un-American not to love torture the way they do. Neither one said whether putting terror suspects “through the wringer” would be some new form of torture or a new name for an old one but so long as it’s sadistic, neither of these two chickenhawks probably care.

Trump – whose tender fee-fees can’t even take criticism from Megyn Kelly without having a Twitter temper tantrum – whined to Sean Hannity that Belgium wasn’t tough enough on terror suspect Salah Abdeslam when he was captured last week. And even though Trump has never spent one minute in the military or national security or any kind of public policy, he “just knows” that if only Belgium had tortured Abdeslam and gotten rid of pesky laws that prevent it, the Brussels bombings of yesterday could have been averted.

TRUMP: What happened is, you catch the guy last week and they probably have lawyers all over the place, he’s probably got lawyers, you know, saying, you know, you’re going to go to trial in about seven years and nothing happens and then you have the big bombings today.

If they would have put him through the grill, ten minutes after they catch him, he probably would have ratted ‘em out and maybe stopped this horrible terror attack that took place today. He knew about it. It was about him, most likely. He knew about this happening.

…He knows the people that are behind it and he’s never gonna talk and we’re not fighting on the same plane, Sean. The problem is we don’t fight on the same level. We have laws that protect everybody - you know, you can’t do this, you can’t do that, don’t touch him, don’t hurt him, please – and in the meantime, they go around killing people, they have no laws. We have the laws to protect them. It’s absolutely crazy.

Hannity, another one who never spent a minute serving his country, cried, “It’s insane!”

Hannity went on to provide quotes from Hillary Clinton saying, “We can be strong and smart without advocating for torture or bigotry” and “Our country’s most experienced and bravest military leaders will tell you that torture is not effective, it does put our own soldiers and increasingly our own civilians at risk but we do have to give law enforcement and intelligence professionals all the tools they need to do the job to keep America safe and they don’t need to resort to torture but they are going to need more help.”

Clinton was not only the U.S. Secretary of State for four years but she also served on the Armed Services Committee when she was a U.S. senator from New York.

But what would she know in comparison to Trump? Everything. Even Trump's own campaign biography can only cite his stint as Grand Marshall of a Veterans’ Day parade – following a $1 million donation – as the extent of his public service. But, hey, it boasts that he has “over 7 million followers on social media” and appears weekly on Fox & Friends (except when he’s feuding with Fox News). He also has a campaign manager, Corey Lewandowski, who goes around manhandling reporters and protesters and reportedly making booty calls to female reporters. What more could we need to keep us safe?

TRUMP: Incompetent Hillary doesn’t know what she’s talking about, she doesn’t have a clue.

…She is so wrong on that. And if you would’ve taken this guy that was captured last week and put him through the wringer, you probably could have stopped or at least possibly could have stopped the horrible tragedy that took place today.

Hannity added, “And they won’t even put him through the wringer now.”

Hannity’s another one to talk. While he lusts for more war, he has yet to fulfill his pledge to undergo waterboarding, which he called “dunking,” for charity, made on April 22, 2009. For the record, that’s 6 years, 11 months, 1 day that he has refused to experience what he apparently thinks is so mild that it’s not harsh enough for terrorism suspects.

Watch this disgusting display of cowardly bravado below, from the March 22 Hannity. You can remind Hannity that he may want to forget his waterboarding pledge but we won’t at @SeanHannity. You can tweet Trump at @realDonaldTrump.

Crossposted at News Hounds.
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