Trump Claims Lyin' Ted And Little Marco Are Talking To Their SuperPACs

Donald Trump came out and accused both Cruz and Rubio of talking to their superPacs in this video clip.

In this edition of "crazy sh*t Trump says" we cover a lot of bases. First, Trump talks about evangelicals and how much they love him, because let's be real, everyone loves Donald. It's YUGE how much love he gets from everyone. And they love him, apparently, because he lies a smidge less than Ted Cruz. And thank god for Little Marco, who finally jumped on the "Cruz is a liar" bandwagon and pointed it out for Trump, just in case we forgot it.

"Evangelicals, they get it. They get it. They get me. They understand me. I am the best thing that ever happened to them. I mean that 100%. They don't like the way Ted talks. They don't like the fact that he truly does lie. And he lies badly. Little Marco helped me a lot. What Marco did is in one of the debates, he screamed across me.

I have been in the center from the beginning, right. Never out of center. In fact, I always like an odd number because I am in the center. With an even number like last week I hated it because we had 4 people so i'm not in the center

Marco helped me. He called Ted a liar. That's the first time."

Next, Trump started bashing politicians. Any and all, no party named. He calls them all liars. But wait, he is running for office? I guess he is the anti-politician and that is his angle? I may be a liar, a racist and a bully but at least I am not a *politician*.

"I know politicians better than anyone. They are liars. They are serious liars. They will never get you to the promised land. They wont do it. They are controlled by the special interests. They are controlled by the people that put up all this money for them to run. Do you know how much money in the last week was spent on me? Do you know how many times they were asking, despite the facts that they aren't supposed to talk to their superPACs"

Oh, damn, Trump throwing down the gauntlet, flat out accusing both Rubio and Cruz of calling their SuperPACs.

"Carl, fellas, let me ask a question. How many times do you think Marco and Ted and all of them were calling their SuperPACs? Is that right? It's called life. That's how life works. They are not supposed to, but that is the way life works."

And for the optimistic closing, Trump goes in with major shade and bravado about his plan to win both Florida (Marco's home state) and Ohio (Kasich's home state).

"We are going to do something. We are going to clean the slate. I think we are going to do really well in Florida. It is my second home. I love Florida.


I love Florida. Special place. I think we are going to do really well in Ohio."

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