Trump Now Says He Won't Pay Legal Fees For Those Who Assault Protesters
Or yet another example of Trump denying what he's said in the past, and then lying about it.
Trump said this morning that he's "just a peace lovin' guy, who doesn't condone violence", and that he never said he'd pay the legal fees for those who assault protesters at his rallies.
Except, of course, he's said exactly that. And he's also the guy who said he'd like to punch a protester in the face, which has happened more than once at his rallies. But now he says he doesn't condone violence, even as he incites it in those crowds.
Clips are from 'Good Morning America' 3/15/16, Iowa 2/1/16, Las Vegas 2/23/16, and 'Meet the Press' 3/14/16.
Source: New York Times
Donald J. Trump wavered on Tuesday about whether he would actually pay the legal fees of a supporter who punched a protester in the face at one of his rallies last week, saying that he does not condone violence.
Last Wednesday, at an event in North Carolina, one of Mr. Trump’s backers was arrested and charged with assault and other crimes for attacking a man who was being escorted out of an arena. Mr. Trump has said in the past that he would pay the legal fees of supporters who roughed up protesters, and on Sunday he said that he was instructing members of his staff to look into doing so in this case.
Speaking on ABC’s “Good Morning America” on Tuesday, Mr. Trump acknowledged that paying legal fees in this case might be an endorsement of violence.
“I don’t condone violence and I didn’t say I was going to pay for his fees,” Mr. Trump said. “Nobody asked me to pay for fees.”
Asked if paying the legal fees of people who commit acts of violence, in any case, would be wrong, Mr. Trump seemed to concede that it was not a good idea.
“Maybe so, and maybe that’s why I wouldn’t do it,” Mr. Trump said. “I don’t condone violence at all.”