Trump's Tiny Hands Get Their Own SuperPAC

A group has created a SuperPAC to get the measurements to put to rest once and for all any questions about the size of Donald Trump's Hands

The "Trump has tiny hands" movement is picking up steam, as demonstrated by the creation of a SuperPAC specifically designed to raise funds to request that Donald "release the measurements"

A twitter handle has been created to support the PAC (@TrumpHandsPAC) and the fundraisers are encouraging people to use the hashtag #ReleaseTheMeasurements

A spokesman for the SuperPac, Henry Kraemer was interviewed by KATU News. He said the following:

"A lot of people have voiced concern about giving a man with Donald Trump's experience and temperament the nuclear launch codes. We are not sure if it means anything to give him the launch codes, because we don't know if his stubby little fingers can push the buttons down all the way.

If we cant trust him about his hands, which any child can see are tiny, what can we trust him on? If you can't trust a mans handshake, how can you trust their word?"

For those interested in donating to this SuperPac, the site is

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