Watch Chris Wallace Upset McConnell With His Own Sound Bite

McConnell is reminded of his own hypocrisy to no avail. The NRA is still his boss.

Today's episode of Fox News Sunday featured Senate Majority Leader, Mitch McConnell attempting to explain away his indefensible opposition to SCOTUS nominee Merrick Garland. Chris Wallace helped him remember what he once said on the floor of the Senate in April, 2005, regarding the president's judicial appointment powers.

"An up or down vote should be given to a president's judicial nominee."

Even if this has worked for well over 230 years, McConnell claims this particular clip compared with his current obstructionism is like comparing apples to oranges. That's because it was not a Supreme Court nominee, but a lower court appointment. He incessantly reminds us that President Obama, his arch-nemesis since day one, is a 'lame duck president.' We all know it doesn't matter whom he nominates as all Republicans are only interested in obstructing the president in any way they can, in fear of retaliation from their increasingly crazy base.

The real issue, McConnell claims, is the magnitude of the appointment and the shift Garland would have upon the leanings of SCOTUS. The impact would be felt for years after he leaves the Senate. We know, however, why Garland is unacceptable, even if he is aligned with well over 90% of Americans.

The issue is not really how moderate or radical Merrick Garland has proven himself to be. It's all about his support for ANY logical gun control measures which McConnell absolutely can't allow.

McConnell said Garland is supported by MoveOn.org. He added that he can't imagine a Republican majority in the Senate in a lame-duck session would want to confirm a nominee who is opposed by the National Rifle Association and the National Federation of Independent Business.

Mitch McConnell is absolutely beholden to one of the most insidious, profit-driven and irresponsibly greedy industries in this nation. He was once the largest recipient of a single donation from the NRA in an election year. Blood money has handsomely financed Mitch McConnell, and it always will.

The Kentucky Republican Senator's loyalty is not to the citizens of the U.S. or his own state, he is the NRA's best ally. He legislates primarily to maximize profit from a reckless manufacturing industry. Majority Leader McConnell is not afraid to state it plainly, as he did today, without any inkling that it is insanely irresponsible and unethical for a lawmaker to act this way. There is no shame in revealing who owns you when you are a GOP Senator.

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