Whoops! SCOTUS Going Anti-Discrimination All Of A Sudden

Two wins, one for women's healthcare, one for gay adoption, at the Supreme Court

The news out of the newly formed 4-4 Supreme Court is all good. Governing Magazine:

The Supreme Court handed abortion rights advocates a victory Friday by blocking a Louisiana law they said would leave the state with only one doctor licensed to perform the procedure.

The court, with only Justice Clarence Thomas dissenting, issued a brief order that restores an earlier judicial ban on enforcing the 2014 state law.

The ruling is a good sign for abortion rights groups in Louisiana and nationwide. Coming shortly after the justices debated a similar Texas law, the order indicates a majority of the high court is unwilling to permit conservative states to enforce stringent regulations, at least for now.

And now the Court has told Alabama that they'd better mind their own damn business about gay adoption. USA Today, h/t Jamie:

The Supreme Court on Monday unanimously reversed an Alabama court's refusal to recognize a same-sex adoption.

The justices upheld a challenge brought by an Alabama woman after her state's highest court refused to recognize the adoption she and her former lesbian partner were granted in Georgia.

Unanimously!?! Even Clarence Thomas? Maybe these GOP run states with their non stop budget cutting could save some money leaving their citizens' bedrooms and doctor's offices alone.

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