Why Doesn't The Press Ask Republicans About Kansas?

The Republican platform will PROMISE a Kansas-based economy.

In the best article you will read today, NY Magazine's Eric Levitz asks a simple question. What if Bernie Sanders had "destroyed" Vermont with Democratic Socialism before he ran for President? Wouldn't the media ask him how expanding those same policies nationwide could have a negative impact?

And yet the Republican Party, in their economic plans for the nation, is suggesting the same poison to "cure" the economy that is killing the states of Kansas, Louisiana, and elsewhere: tax cuts for the rich and a stripping of government services, including law enforcement. Yep, the State of Kansas can't even investigate child abuse anymore -- no revenue.

And yet, the national Republican Party is betting on exactly this economic platform. Every candidate plans to cut taxes and cut spending for non-military expenditures. Every candidate has some plan to privatize Medicare.

What has happened to these states should be a national story; because we are one election away from it being our national story. Ted Cruz claims his tax plan will cost less than $1 trillion in lost revenue over the next ten years. Leaving aside the low bar the Texas senator sets for himself — my giveaway to the one percent will cost a bit less than the Iraq War! — Cruz only stays beneath $1 trillion when you employ the kind of “dynamic scoring” that has consistently underestimated the costs of tax cuts in Kansas.

The exception, of course, is Donald Trump, who does not have any plans for anything except "great" and "terrific" which is exactly why he's winning the nomination.

Once again, the media is failing all of us. It's worth the click to read Levitz's whole article.

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