Ben Carson Defends 'Family Man' Donald Trump's Nasty Remarks About Him And Minorities
Ben Carson tried to defend 'Family Man' Donald Trump's nasty remarks about him and minorities and fails.
Dr. Ben Carson, Donald "The Hair" Trump's new bestie, was interviewed on Politics Nation with Al Sharpton on MSNBC today. During this slow moving, nearly catatonic interview, Carson managed to sputter out a few coherent thoughts. Here are a few:
SHARPTON: How can you support Donald Trump when he has said some things that are very troublesome to some of your supporters?:
1. Carson is lower energy than Bush.
2. I mean Seventh Day Adventists, I don't know about. I just don't know about.
3. Are we going to put someone in office who considers himself to have pathological disease?SHARPTON Is that the kind of person that has the temperament to be commander in chief?
CARSON: I think probably as much so as anyone else. But recognizes that he understands how to play to an audience. He has a long history of showmanship...did the things that he did work? They did. I don't know if that is saying something about him or about something about us as a society."
SHARPTON: Trump has said some very troubling things about minorities
1. They are bringing drugs, they are bringing crime, they are rapists.
2. Total and complete shut down of Muslims entering the US.
3. I don't know anything about David Duke. I don't know what group you are talking about.SHARPTON: Aren't those kinds of statements a disqualifies for you endorsing Donald Trump?
CARSON: Absolutely not. because he has explained himself on all of those things...
SHARPTON: What are the policies that make you say that you can overlook those statements?
CARSON: I look at a person's life.
Carson never really answered the question but instead started babbling about how well behaved Trump's very rich kids are - you know, killing innocent animals on safari hunting trips. He never outlined one policy that Trump would put into place to help advance any minority.
Whoops, maybe that job Carson was promised in exchange for being the token person of color on stage with Trump won't come through. It wouldn't be the first time Trump lied.