Donald Trump Whines Van Susteren Didn’t Introduce Him As ‘The Frontrunner’
During Greta Van Susteren’s lapdog town hall with Donald Trump, the candidate boasted about how much more presidential he will be if elected. Then, moments later, he started whining that he had been introduced only as “candidate” and not “the front runner.”
During Greta Van Susteren’s lapdog town hall with Donald Trump, the candidate boasted about how much more presidential he will be if elected. Then, moments later, he started whining that he had been introduced only as “candidate” and not “the front runner.” Yeah, that’s really presidential.
Van Susteren’s town hall with Donald Trump was such a softball event that even Fox’s own Greg Gutfeld snarked about it on Twitter.
Van Susteren did ask a few semi-challenging questions, such as, “You’ve gotten a lot of criticism for your tone and tenor. Is it going to change or do you have no objection to it?”
Trump replied with just the kind of elementary-school maturity that, alone, ought to disqualify him for public office.
TRUMP: Yes, tone to me matters. Being presidential matters.
…You know what happens? What happens is, they hit me and I hit ‘em back harder. And usually, I mean, almost in all cases, they do it first. But they hit me and I hit them back harder and they disappear. And that’s what we want to lead the country. But I promise you. Let me finish it off, I will be so presidential that you will be so proud of me.
You know, I’m a smart guy, being presidential’s easy.
Not surprisingly, Van Susteren did not press Trump about his “they started it first” excuse. If Trump feels dissed by Vladimir Putin, is he going to drop a nuke to make him “disappear?” Nor did Van Susteren ever challenge Trump on his wildly inappropriate and very, very un-presidential tenor in tweets about Megyn Kelly. Even As they discussed whether or not he would continue using Twitter in the White House.
TRUMP: As president, I would be very much different on that. I wouldn’t be doing it much… maybe not doing it at all.
Or, maybe he would.
TRUMP: I have millions and millions of people, they rely on it. They love it. And I think it’s one of the reasons, frankly, I’m doing so well.
But getting a woman to help showcase Trump just when he’s having woman problems was not enough ego massage for him.
TRUMP: You understand, when you introduced me, you said “candidate.” But I’m really by far the front runner, OK? By far. (Turning to the audience) She didn’t say that. I was surprised. I was gonna say “Let’s do that introduction again, but I didn’t want to do that.”
Of course, Van Susteren gave him a pass on that, too.
Watch it above, from the April 3 On The Record.
Feel free to let Trump know how you feel about him @RealDonaldTrump
Crossposted at News Hounds.
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