Eric Bolling Blames Sanders For 'Anarchist' Yelling At Rick Scott
Leave it to Eric Bolling and company to punch down on behalf of Florida's corrupt governor.
Bolling along with Andrea Tantaros, Morgan Ortagus, Fox's new favorite Obama hating, Trump loving fake "liberal" Eboni Williams and Jonathan Hoenig piling onto that woman who yelled at Rick Scott the other day and get this...
... blaming Bernie Sanders for her actions. Of course he did. Bolling asks,
"Is this the result of a Democrat Socialist running for President?"
Bet he got an attaboy from the upstairs suits for that beauty.
Rick Scott is so whiney about this that his campaign actually produced an attack ad featuring the woman in the coffee shop.
By the way, Bolling apparently hasn't paid for his own laptop computer for a while now if he thinks they cost $800,000, but then no one ever accused that jagoff of being the brightest bulb in the box.