Fox Fans Want To Bomb Hamtramck After Pete Hegseth's Hit Job On The City

Such good, loving Christians they all are!

While correlation doesn't necessarily imply causation, it would appear that Fox News' toxic Islamophobia is getting results. After Jesse Watters smeared Dearborn, MI Muslims, Fox fans wanted to bomb that city. And after Pete Hegseth recently smeared Muslims in Hamtramck MI, Fox fans want to, you guessed it - bomb that city, too!

Fox's Pete Hegseth produced a video which was all about stoking fear and loathing of Muslims in Hamtramck Michigan. The video featured older, Polish-American Catholics who viewed their Muslim neighbors with suspicion. It opened with the scary Muslim call to prayer and ended with the comment, from a non-Muslim, that "they're not ready to assimilate, I don't think they're ready for Western culture yet." The video was used, on two Fox & Friends segments, as a propaganda vehicle for the message that Muslims are NOT LIKE US and, thus, very threatening.

Well, if that was Fox's clarion, Christian call to crusade, it got its desired response. If you check out the Fox Facebook entry (""It's what's not being said that has some on edge." Hamtramck, Michigan, is the first Muslim majority city in the United States – and Pete Hegseth visited to speak to the politicians and the people.") which features the aforementioned Hegseth video, you can read all sorts of hateful and violent comments. According to the Detroit Metro Times, one poster compared Muslims to roaches and, as such, "the only way to get rid of the infestation is to bomb the area.”

Fox has been described as "the place where you can bash Islam with impunity." It's apparent that its Facebook is the place where you can fantasize about bombing Muslims with impunity. Fox has also been described as "an echo chamber for Islamophobia." It's apparent that its Facebook is an echo chamber for homicidal ideation based on base bigotry.

And Fox News thinks that Christians are the only victims of religious persecution? Seriously?

Just a small sample of, literally, thousands of Fox Facebook comments from America loving, Christian, and very "pro-life" Fox fans.

Crossposted at Newshounds.us

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