GOP & Fox News Give Birth To Donald Trump! See How!

It's important people know the truth about the political history that created an environment for Donald Trump and the racism we're seeing to thrive. Hopefully acknowledging that the GOP made a calculated decision to exploit the racial tensions in this country will be an important step toward correcting the problem. This country is better when we're all on the same team anyway:)

Racism. There’s been a lot of talk about it recently with Donald Trump inspiring a lot of people to let their racist flag fly high. The GOP claims they don’t understand where this negativity is coming from. Bullshit! From Goldwater & Nixon to Reagan, Bush 1 and Bush 2, they’ve taken advantage of the racism that existed and used it to their advantage. This is based on facts (with video footage to help prove it)! So often people don’t understand why some Americans continue to vote for the GOP. The answer is that they've preyed on the fears and shame of Americans to get their vote.

To be clear, I am NOT saying that all Republicans are racist. That’s not true at all. And this is not meant to be a partisan video (although I’m sure many will see it that way). I was just frustrated at the BS we’re hearing so I wanted to call it out. Hopefully we can learn from it and be a stronger country together.

Also, I tried to tell jokes. Hope you laughed.

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