Huckabee-Sanders Brags About Trump's Upcoming Foreign Policy Speech

Governor Huckabee's Daughter perpetrates the latest etch-a-sketch Trump campaign promise.

Donald Trump is supposedly turning over a new leaf, one that is more presidential. The Money Honey (H/T Heather), a.k.a. Maria Bartiromo, is eager to see this promised etch-a-sketch change predicted by his GOP handlers. She discussed this matter with Trump's senior policy advisor, Sarah Huckabee Sanders on her Sunday Morning Futures program.

BARTIROMO: I'm looking forward to this foreign policy speech that Donald Trump is going to be making this week, because we're at that point in the campaign that people really do want specifics and some substance. Can you give us a flavor of what this speech is going to be about?

HUCKABEE-SANDERS: I can tell you that this is going to be a great moment for Donald Trump. He's gonna show that he's got a very commanding understanding for how to lead in a very dangerous world. And, you're gonna see some of the things that people have been wanting from him, but as far as giving specifics, you're gonna have to tune in and see Donald Trump for that one.

Bartiromo suggests that he will likely answer issues regarding ISIS, Russia and superpowers like China. Governor Huckabee's daughter promises that 'it'll be something that you definitely want to see.' Sounds like some more platitudes over generalities, but apparently, we will be surprised by the Talking Yam. I imagine he won't be talking extemporaneously, if there will be actual policy details involved.

Bartiromo asks her what lured her into the Trump camp. She claims that she's getting behind him because he promises to 'shake up Washington.' Once her father's campaign went kaput, 'outsider' Trump was the only other choice. His outsider status is a very welcome contrast to Sarah, much more attractive than that menacing Democratic candidate, Hillary Clinton, who is 'definitely' a Washington insider.

She's all in for Trump, and you will be too. This speech is the panacea that will change the hearts and minds of so many people who view this man unfavorably. It's got to be one helluva speech to accomplish that Herculean task.

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