Jeffrey Lord Uses A Black Cab Driver To Prove Trump's Minority Appeal
Well then, that settles that question. The Blacks just LUV Trump.
If you watch CNN or any cable news this season, you are likely to be disgusted by some of the truly horrific punditry they cart out to stump for various incompetent GOP candidates. No one evokes as much disgust as CNN's Jeffrey Lord, surrogate for Trump. There are more than a few things about Lord that should turn your stomach:
He served as Associate Political Director of the White House to Ronald Reagan in the 1980’s and was an aide to Jack Kemp during the George H.W. Administration. Lord compares Trump to Ronald Reagan, which is horrible enough for those with any memory. He has also tweeted some of the misogyny he acquired by hanging out with the Voodoo Economist Ronnie, who famously nixed the ERA. Obvious chauvinist Jeffrey Lord defends Trump here when Trump is called out for his blatant sexism.
Last month, Lord was infamously involved in an on-air tête à tête with Van Jones over the history and composition of the KKK. Jeffrey revisited, ad nauseum, the moronic assertion that the Klan is a leftist/Democratic organization (yes, he means today) and blamed intolerant liberals for violence at his candidate's Klan meetings rallies. Jones eviscerated Lord however, he stuck to his fabricated antiquated rationale throughout the heated five minute exchange.
Lord has expressed vehemently anti-immigrant opinions as well as homophobic proclamations. Lord wrote that marriage equality will lead to pedophilia and polygamy. He praised Ann Coulter's xenophobic book and called Nazis "leftists."
I'm sure there are scores of examples I've omitted, but let's face it, this is not a man operating on all cylinders firing. A Reaganite who is a racist, xenophobic, homophobic, Godwin's law-violating maniac does not make a credible pundit. He never lets us down, I suppose, because he vocalizes his cringe-worthy sentiments each time he's allowed to speak.
Yesterday, the CNN panel was discussing the allure of Donald Trump to the disgruntled and marginalized average American who thinks his outsider status means he will fix things and make life fair, once again, for the non-billionaire class.
LORD: I came here today by cab. BLACK CAB DRIVER, said, in his own words, exactly what you just said (meaning he 'gets it'), volunteered it, volunteered it, wanted to know about the campaign and he launched, he launched almost exactly
BORGER: about how angry he is.
LORD: Yes, yes, yes, and that he believes Donald Trump knows where the bodies are buried, that he's got the experience and he knows how to do this, he's tired of all the politicians, he's fed up.
JONES: Jeff is even more right than he knows.
AXELROD: He seemed pretty sure of himself.
BEGALA: Even more right, FAR right. Followed by laughing and giggling.
Lord may or may not have gotten that joke, I'd put money on the latter.
Toronto Star Washington correspondent, Daniel Dale noticed the abhorrent tokenism as well. Lord's example was ignored by the panel, but the viewer couldn't help but notice how incredibly myopic and racist his comment was. A single Black man expressed positive feelings toward Trump, so all Lord's years of being a Klan apologist and racist are now forgiven?
Trump's train wreck of a CNN surrogate, Jeffrey Lord, cites his "black cab driver" as evidence of Trump's supposed appeal to minorities.
— Daniel Dale (@ddale8) April 27, 2016