Krauthammer: No Epidemic Of Transgenders Being Evil In Bathrooms

Even Krauthammer knows this is a faked up issue.

Last night on Fox News they played a clip of Donald Trump pointing out that individual businesses could figure out their bathroom configurations. Of course Ted Cruz then accuses Trump of opening up a country club for pedophilia, because Cruz is going for the permanently outraged about non-issues Christianist vote.

Charles Krauthammer can't make up an excuse for this "controversy." Transcript via Mediaite, emphasis added:

“This is a solution in search of an issue. I mean, do we really have an epidemic of transgenders being evil in bathrooms across the country? I haven’t heard of a single case. It is not a major national problem,and it should have been left that way.”

Krauthammer added that "we" are pretending that transgenders looking to horrify little girls in the potty is one-fifth of the population. "We" meaning Republicans. "We" meaning a party that needs to distract their base from their utter failure to govern, again.

Both Sides Don't , Mr. Krauthammer.

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