Mike Pence's Endorsement: 'Yeah Whatever Ted Cruz'
Total Coward Mike Pence says who he'll vote for Ted but please Donald don't be mad, bro.
Did we need further evidence that the Republican Party is on its way to a pathetic loss?
Indiana Governor Mike Pence, whose Republican Primary is next Tuesday, has been avoiding all GOP candidates visiting his state. It was unclear until today whether he would make any endorsement whatsoever.
I guess the statewide whispers that he was being a flabby douche for not making an endorsement forced him to make this lukewarm announcement. CNN:
"I'm not against anybody, but I will be voting for Ted Cruz in the Republican primary," Pence said in an interview with WIBC's Greg Garrison. He praised Cruz's "knowledge of the Constitution" and his willingness to "take on the leadership" of his own party.
Still, Pence is far from joining other Cruz endorsers like Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker in the stop-Trump movement.
"Let me be very clear on this race: Whoever wins the Republican nation for president of the United States, I'm going to work my heart out to get elected this fall," Pence said.
Shorter Mike Pence: My gay-obsessed Christianist base won't let me endorse you, but please don't hit me, Mr. Trump.
The tone of this Mike Pence endorsement should be familiar to anyone who’s ordered Coke and been asked “is Pepsi okay?"
— daveweigel (@daveweigel) April 29, 2016