Watch Bill O’Reilly’s Reaction When He Gets Called Out For Being BFFs With Donald Trump

BillO can't handle the truth.

The look on Bill O’Reilly’s face was priceless last night when he was called out on his 30-year friendship with Donald Trump by guest Greg Gutfeld.

As I wrote in my previous post, Gutfeld has been publicly trolling his Trump-supporting Fox News colleagues, both of and off the air. But in this discussion, he wimped out for some reason and pretended his criticisms of Trump were based on affection.

However, there was this telling exchange (transcript via Media Matters, with light edits) in which Gutfeld contended that Trump is unprepared to be president because he never thought he’d get this far.

BILL O'REILLY (HOST): Everybody was skeptical of his ability to mount a campaign.

GREG GUTFELD: Do you know who was most skeptical? Donald Trump. He never thought this was going to happen.

O'REILLY: I don't buy that for a minute. I do not buy that for a minute.

GUTFELD: You know what he's like, Bill? He's like a guy that in high school that decides to go out for a play just to impress a girl and he gets the lead. And he's like, "I don't know what I'm doing. I don't like Pippin. I hate Pippin."

O'REILLY: I will tell you, that is so wrong. I read that stuff on the internet.

GUTFELD: You have no proof, Bill. You have no proof.

O'REILLY: Of course I do.

GUTFELD: Where is it? Show me your proof.

O'REILLY: Of course I do. I mean I've known this guy for 30 years, okay? I've been to ball games with him. He doesn't do stuff --

GUTFELD: There you go, a little personal friendship there, eh, Bill?

O’Reilly was clearly stunned by that comment and could not speak for a few moments. Later, O’Reilly acknowledged, “Yes, okay. Yeah, I know the guy pretty well.” But, he added, “What you're saying is a bunch of crap.”

Watch it below, from the April 6 The O’Reilly Factor, via Media Matters.

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