Who's The Biggest Liar Of The Day? Ted Cruz

It's a tough call, but my vote goes to Ted Cruz.

So Ted Cruz was on Good Morning America this morning and had the hilarious gall to say he would get along just fine with the Congress that absolutely hates him. Yes, that Congress:

But there are some runners up in the lying-est liars of this Monday.

The first runner-up is Congress itself, promising that THIS time they really do have a replacement for Obamacare coming right up, you betcha, the paper's in the printer and don't you worry we'll have it on President Cruz's, um, Trump's, um, we'll have it ready for the President to sign right on time. TPM:

"Give us a little time, another month or so," House Energy and Commerce Committee Chairman Fred Upton (R-MI) told reporters...Upton says that he believes the team of four senior lawmakers is "pretty close to a Republican alternative."

This is hardly the first time Republicans have promised to make public their own Obamacare replacement, but each time they have come up short. Republicans have been pledging to replace it for six years, but have yet to come up with their own alternative.

But the plan expected be released is not necessarily going to become legislation, [Speaker] Ryan's office told the Hill. It is merely meant to give Republicans an alternative to point toward.

Runner up number two is Trey Gowdy, who is writing up that scathing Bengaaaaazi report to drop on the eagerly waiting public just in time for the Democratic National Convention, but it has nothing to do with politics. The F***king News (not work safe) reminds us that this is the EIGHTH time Congressional Republicans have officially reported on the terrorist attack, listing previous versions as:

Benghazi Classic©
Benghazi Zero©
Diet Benghazi Cherry Blast©
CSI: Benghazi©
Gluten-Free Benghazi©
Malibu Benghazi©

Still, I gotta give it to Ted Cruz. Smirking to George Stephanopoulis that you (right) as President (riight) will get along splendidly with Congress (riiiight) wins the prize as Big Lie of the Day.

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