Art Exhibit: 'Live Nude Girls' Outside The RNC In Cleveland

An installation art exhibit will feature 100 nude women outside the Republican National Convention

Guess what Reince? You're finally going to see a REAL naked woman!

Actually, a hundred of them! Oops, they're on the streets outside your National Convention. Open Carry? Ya think? And surprise! This time, Code Pink and PETA have nothing to do with it.

Esquire Magazine reports that the artist Spencer Tunick will be displaying his latest large-scale art installation, "Everything She Says Means Everything" outside the Staples Arena in Cleveland during the Republican National Convention.

The installation features 100 unclothed women carrying mirrors. Because Art. Tunick has been planning this project for three years, so you can't really say it's a reaction to Donald Trump.

"I could never have imagined there would be such a heightened attention to the male-versus-female dynamic of this Cleveland juggernaut of a convention," Tunick tells Esquire.

That's funny, because absolutely everyone in the liberal blogosphere could have told you there would be a male-versus-female dynamic at the RNC, Spencer. Even art schools teach you there's a War on Women in the Republican Party.

"But I feel like doing this will sort of calm the senses. It brings it back to the body and to purity."

Yeah, okay. Whatever floats your aesthetic vision, dude. In the meantime, the rest of us will be watching the world's worst forced-birth platform get cheered on the convention floor while Mister "bleeding from her wherever" is crowned head of the Republican Party. Make sure those live nudes hold their mirrors nice and high, so the monsters of misogyny leaving the Staples Arena can take a good look at themselves before they go home to lose this election.

PS. Who's the genius who came up with "Start here. Finish here." as a convention slogan? In the immortal words of your presumptive nominee, you're fired.

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