Boaty McBoatface And Donald Trump: What If Voters Are Wrong?

The Republican Establishment built this by thinking they could control their voters.

NOTE: This post contains some links to right wing websites. Check before you click if you don't want to go there. - eds.

In case you haven't heard, this morning it was announced that "The UK's new polar research ship is to be named RRS Sir David Attenborough, despite the title "Boaty McBoatface" previously topping a public vote."

As a nod to popular opinion, one of the ship's remote robot submarines will bear the "McBoatface" moniker.

The Brits decided that the voters were wrong.

It's far too late for the Republican National Committee to do the same.

I'd like to feel sorry for them, but they built this. For at least 30 years the Republican establishment has tolerated Rush Limbaugh's hate speech, the birther movement, death panels, Bengaaaazi, all the lies about Iraq, Drudge sensationalism, James O'Keefe fake videos, Sarah Effing Palin, for godsakes, all in the pursuit of a reliable electorate that would consistently pull the lever for the Republican ticket.

This year, that electorate turned on THEM.

The important thing to remember when media pundits say "but the voters decided and we have to trust democracy!" is just how much the conservative establishment allowed and encouraged their voters to believe things that are not true, in pursuit of the establishment's goals of corporate deregulation and tax cuts for billionaires.

Pat Caddell is a Fox News Democrat (and former Jimmy Carter aide) who tried to tell Breitbart Radio (see how well funded they are too but I digress) what actually happened (my emphasis added):

“Hey, guys, don’t you get it? Look who’s gone. Look who has lost. Jeb Bush — if the Republican Party had super-delegates, my God, he would still be in the race, They’d be saying ‘He’s still ahead, he’s still ahead.’ All the money, all the support, all the endorsements — gone.”

“Then you go right through the rest of them,” he continued. “Scott Walker, Chris Christie, Marco Rubio, and now Kasich. There never was an ‘Establishment Lane’ — or there was an Establishment Lane, but there was no road. You get on that Establishment Lane, and you look back — you were automatically eliminated.”

He explained the fatal flaw of these Establishment candidates was that “not one of them will admit that the people are right.”

“They just keep saying, vote for me, I have a resume. Well, they’re all wiped out,” he declared.

But "the people" aren't "right," Pat. They turn only to Fox News (who pays you, so yeah) for their information. By definition, they are uninformed. Remember when The Daily Show interns put 50 Fox News Lies in a 6 second Vine? Without breaking a sweat? Here it is slowed to a minute four:

Republicans only have three superdelegates per state. Caddell is right, if they had the same number as the Democrats, there would by definition be a longer campaign cycle and more of a chance to stop a candidate like Trump from getting the nomination.

Yes, we Democrats have superdelegates. Like Clinton in 2008, Sanders in 2016 is attempting to sway them to vote for him. That is part of the process, but one thing is certain: the Democratic superdelegates will not even have the opportunity to vote for a candidate with no government experience and a fact-free platform, whose primary qualification is he bullied each of his opponents until they quit. Both of our candidates believe in science, rational thought, and fact-based reasoning.

As a result of allowing their voters to feast on lies for years, the GOP nominee and party leader is now the electoral equivalent of Boaty McBoatface.

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