Corey Lewandowski Does Not Deny Trump Campaign Offices Are Bugged

On Fox News Sunday today, Donald Trump campaign manager Corey Lewandowski was asked about reports that campaign staff offices are bugged. Instead of denying the allegation, Lewandowski waffled.

On Fox News Sunday today, Donald Trump campaign manager Corey Lewandowski was asked about reports that campaign staff offices are bugged. Instead of denying the allegation, Lewandowski waffled.

Host Chris Wallace challenged Lewandowski on a number of subjects, especially on the subject of Trump’s attack on New Mexico’s Latina governor, who is also the chair of the Republican Governors Association, Susana Martinez. Lewandowski laughably spun the attack, in which Trump mockingly threatened to run for governor of New Mexico, himself, as policy criticism:

LEWANDOWSKI: Well, Chris, what you have here is there’s no attack on a Latino or a woman governor. What this was, was laying out the economic perspective of what the state of New Mexico was doing. He’s saying we need to do a better job. That’s what our country needs, is we need to create jobs, we need to have more people back to work, we need to build a wall, we need to stop illegal immigration.

These are things that are said everywhere we go. And so, you know, if Donald Trump is winning with Latinos, if you look at the last poll, he’s winning with Hispanics. If you look at the polls, he’s doing very well with woman. He has a much more—

Wallace did not let Lewandowski get away with his BS:

WALLACE: But, Corey, wait, he’s not winning with women and he’s not winning with Hispanics. His numbers are hugely underwater with both.

And on the specific question of this, he didn’t just say, "Well, gee, things could be better in New Mexico." He said, I’m looking at the quote here, “she,” the governor, “is not doing the job.” He is going to go around the country saying that the Republican governors in various states are not doing the job?

Not surprisingly, Lewandowski stood by Trump's comments.

But the most interesting exchange came at the end. Wallace referenced a New York Times report about troubles among Trump’s campaign staff that included this:

“A sense of paranoia is growing among his campaign staff members, including some who have told associates they believe that their Trump Tower offices in New York may be bugged, according to three people briefed on the conversations.”

Lewandowski dismissed the entire article as “media hype” and insisted that the team is “very cohesisve.”

And then there was this:

WALLACE: And in 10 seconds, is there any bugging going on at the Trump Tower?

LEWANDOWSKI: I think that’s a lot of speculation. I don’t think that’s the case at all. And I think we’re happy with how our offices are set up.

That is no outright denial. If I were a Trump campaign worker, I’d be very careful about what I say.

Watch it above, from the May 29 Fox News Sunday.

Crossposted at News Hounds.
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