Favorite Tweets From Trump's Wacky Press Conference
Twitter takes on Trump's Press Conference from this morning.
My colleague Sarah P did a count on Trump's words during his press conference:
Trump Veterans Word Count:
"I" or "me": 261
Dollar Amounts: 74
"We": 52
Complaints: 42
Veterans: 15
Gorilla: 2
That went well. #TrumpPressConference pic.twitter.com/zLFwY7hF3w
— Bill (@tomservo10) May 31, 2016
#TrumpPressConference : watching as the @GOP goes down in flames as they support a lying narcissistic bigot manbaby. pic.twitter.com/tLa5v4g7sN
— NurseMom (@Dem4Hillary) May 31, 2016
#TrumpPressConference Trump refused several times to let reporter ask policy question. #ChickenTrump
— I.N.F.J (@romac419) May 31, 2016
Donald Trump speaking at a #TrumpPressConference in Trump Tower about donations from the Trump Foundation says he wants no credit. Humble.
— Harold Itzkowitz (@HaroldItz) May 31, 2016
Man who denies he is John Miller, hides his taxes, and scams Trump University students calls the media dishonest #TrumpPressConference
— Evangeline Ling (@EvangelineWWE) May 31, 2016
This is my absolute favorite pro-Trump tweet of the day, however.
Wish the media would go after Hillary just ONCE like they do Trump. Never gonna happen. #TrumpPressConference
— Lori Mu (@LoriMu2) May 31, 2016
Because, you KNOW Trump doesn't get the coverage he deserves, right?
So we generally just let candidates read lists on live TV for ... who knows how long? #TrumpPressConference
— Ben White (@morningmoneyben) May 31, 2016