Fox Can't Believe How Little Trump Is Spending On Campaign?

It's not like media is free or anything. Oh, wait.

In this clip from Fox and Friends, noted right wing gasbag Tucker Carlson says maybe money isn't needed to successfully run for President. "I thought it was. I've been wrong."

As my colleague Heather pointed out, "Gotta love the show that's had him on more often than any other on TV pretending it's a mystery why he's not spending money."

This is yet another example of the Fox News Memory Hole. When Trump had REPUBLICAN opponents, his free media was a story. Fox News was happy to cover the 'unfairness' of Trump's free media in March. They even showed accurate charts, which for Fox is something:

Image from here.

There is no secret to why Donald Trump is running a low-cost Presidential campaign. And there's no doubt why he ran in the first place: to elevate his brand and grift, as many others have before him, off the publicity of running for President. (Ask Newt and Callista Gingrich how it works.)

Trump and the media who enabled him have no reason to be surprised that he's getting a free ride. OF COURSE Trump is grifting off Fox's free coverage. What else are they there for?

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