Fox Conservative: We Can’t Afford Donald Trump

Conservative Jonathan Hoenig, a regular Fox News guest, reiterated his support for Hillary Clinton over Donald Trump today. Host Eric Bolling was not happy.

Conservative Jonathan Hoenig, a regular Fox News guest, reiterated his support for Hillary Clinton over Donald Trump today. Host Eric Bolling was not happy.

You may recall that Hoenig said in March that he would vote for Clinton or Sanders over Trump. On today’s Cashin' In, he doubled down on that promise. Bolling repeatedly tried to persuade Hoenig to change his mind.

HOENIG: He’s a businessman, but he doesn’t support capitalism. He supports tariffs, he supports redistributive taxes, and I think that’s why a lot of people - you can call them the establishment, if you want - but let’s just say voters - are wondering, what’s this guy about? Is he going to support capitalism? Is he going to support a mixed economy?

BOLLING: But Jon, Jon, let me push back a little bit on that. He doesn’t support your brand of capitalism, he supports a brand of capitalism that I think may be different from yours, but still a brand nonetheless. He says he wants to renegotiate contracts. That may not be what you want, but it may be what other people want.

But Hoenig wouldn’t budge. “I’d rather have bad principles than no principles,” he said.

Bolling tried to argue that Hoenig should vote for Trump out of loyalty to Republicans. He said Mitt Romney was “not my brand of Republican, either, but I was out there pushing for Mitt Romney because he was a Republican.” Bolling asked why Hoenig couldn’t jump on the same bandwagon.

“Because Donald Trump for me, Eric, is anathema to my principles,” Hoenig shot back.

“You’re basically advocating for a Hillary Clinton presidency,” Bolling pressed.

But Hoenig stayed put. “I think Trump is more dangerous because now we’re seeing the deal-making get done,” he said. He added, “For Trump, anything’s on the table. He’s already hired lobbyists, he’s not self-funding his campaign, that was a lie to begin with, he’s gone back on minimum wage, so anything goes.”

Bolling was obviously frustrated. “I’m talking about the next four or eight years of a presidency. We’re going to have at least one, and maybe up to three Supreme Court justices that are going to be appointed by a president. Would you rather have Hillary Clinton do that, or Donald Trump?” Bolling asked.

“I would rather have Hillary Clinton do that because Hillary Clinton doesn’t put herself out, as you said, as a businessman, as a capitalist,” Hoenig replied. “We can’t afford Donald Trump to represent capitalism, Eric. […] I will be supporting Hillary. I’ve been very forthright about that.”

What kind of news host tries to browbeat a guest into voting for anyone, especially just because that candidate belongs to a particular party? A Fox News “fair and balanced” host.

Watch it above, from the May 7 Cashin’ In.

Crossposted at News Hounds.
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