Fox's Guilfoyle Floats Condi Rice As Potential Trump VP Pick

This is why they pay her the big bucks folks.

Who thinks this is going to happen after the way Donald Trump went after Jeb! during this contentious Republican primary race? During a discussion about Trump's horrid foreign policy speech, which apparently impressed The Five co-host Kimberly Guilfoyle, (the woman who's main job is to make sure her skirt is hiked up as far as possible while showing off her legs on that show) told host Chris Wallace that she thinks former Bushie Condoleezza Rice would make a fine vice presidential pick for The Donald.

WALLACE: Do you see a coherent Trump policy or is it mostly just assurances, trust me, I'll make it work?

GUILFOYLE: Well, you can see the Trump doctrine that he's trying to develop by saying that he wants to build up our military, because there has been significant military cuts. We need to do that. We need to be able to, I think, modify drastically the rules of engagement which have been crippling in many instances to those that go overseas to fight for us.

When you look at the juxtaposition of the failed policy of the past eight years of President Barack Obama, the nation and the military is willing and ready for a change. We are not doing better, in a better position in the Middle East, failure to engage with proper status of forces agreements in place. We have lost tremendous ground in the Middle East. You look at the rise of ISIS, the caliphate. That's what the country is seeing. And we need a strong leader, somebody that's going to have the right people in place. What I think would be significant is to get the right team, including perhaps even a vice presidential pick, a strong general, someone like a Petraeus or someone with significant foreign policy experience like a Condoleezza Rice would be an outstanding choice.

WALLACE: Do you know something?

GUILFOYLE: Well, I know that I'm interested in having a Republican in the White House. And if it the establishment doesn’t work against Donald Trump, I --

WALLACE: Well, no, but, I mean do you -- do you have some idea that he's going to appoint --

GUILFOYLE: I'm telling you it will be very different ones he gets the nomination, you will see how many people are going to get on board and want to take back the White House and prevent Hillary Clinton from getting back in and having the same policies that she’s been tethered to with Barack Obama.

Wallace, of course, didn't remind her that the status of forces agreement that President Obama was honoring was negotiated under the Bush administration, or that our invasion of Iraq had a good deal to do with the rise of ISIS.

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