Geraldo Says Trump Should Pursue The 'Hip Hop' Vote

Because Republicans do so well with Black men.

We covered part of this Raw Story video on Wednesday, but I wanted to highlight what Geraldo said at the end of the clip. A few moments earlier the rest of Hannity's panel was in agreement that many Bernie voters would switch parties in the general election and vote for Donald Trump. Geraldo was the lone hold-out, and said frankly that people who thought that were "smoking dope."

Then he said this:

[Trump's] hope, I think, is Black men. If Donald Trump can go to Black men, and say, 'Trump is keeping out your competition for jobs with the immigration stuff, and also Trump is rich, if he can get the Hip-Hop vote, if he can get that number from ten percent, to fifteen, eighteen a state like Ohio...

Could you hear the White House reaction from your house?


I imagine that Hannity viewers absolutely think there's a hip hop vote out there that Donald Trump can compete for. Perhaps they are aligned with Hannity's New Black Panther Party?

In any event, I think Geraldo needs to ask himself who is really smoking dope on the Fox News Panel.

Hip Hop Geraldo

UPDATE: I did not realize when I wrote this post that WorldWideHipHop has produced YG and Nipsey Hussle's number, FDT - "F*ck Donald Trump." Um, it's not work-safe. My favorite line in the song is

F*ck Donald Trump
This for my grandma.

That oughtta settle it.

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