Graham: 'I Think Lucifer May Be The Only Person Trump Could Beat In A General Election'

On Face The Nation today Lindsey Graham appears to agree with John Boehner's assertion that Ted Cruz actually IS Lucifer, the devil.

On Face The Nation today Lindsey Graham appears to agree with John Boehner's assertion that Ted Cruz actually IS Lucifer, the devil.

GRAHAM: I'm advising Ted, go to the last vote. Trump's gotten 40 percent of the popular vote. That doesn't give you 1,237 delegates. I think you could still stop, even if you lose in Indiana. So, my view to Ted is to stop -- fighting.

And there's been a lot of talk about Lucifer. I think Lucifer may be the only person Trump could beat in a general election. But when it comes women and Hispanics, Trump polls like Lucifer. So, this is a contest between conservatism and Trumpism. And Trumpism will get creamed at the ballot box, hurting our House and Senate chances.

So this is why I'm so behind Ted.

DICKERSON: You mentioned -- you mentioned Lucifer. That was a comment made by former House Speaker John Boehner, a former colleague of yours.

GRAHAM: Right. Yes, a friend, too.

Democrats and Republicans finally agree on something - Ted Cruz is the devil.

Graham went on to dig into Trump with pretty harsh words regarding the impact on the GOP if Trump is the nominee:

GRAHAM: And I think Hillary Clinton is an incredibly flawed candidate, but she will mop the floor with Donald Trump, because, with women and Hispanics, they hate Donald Trump because he's so harsh and he's so cruel in his foreign -- in his policies toward illegal immigration, and he's so insulting toward women in general.

The Republican Party, if we embrace Donald Trump, you are rejecting conservatism for Trumpism, which is a cult of a strong man that absolutely is no where near conservatism.

A cult. He called Trumpism a cult. Go on with your bad self, Lindsey. Finally, he added with even harsher words to fellow members of his party:

GRAHAM: Let me just tell my friends, who I really do respect, if you are embracing Donald Trump, you're destroying conservatism. You will make it hard for this party to ever regain footing with Hispanics, because his immigration proposal is unworkable, is hateful. When it comes to women, we're alienating women, who should be coming our way after eight years of Obama.

So, to my friends, if you think Donald Trump is the answer to the Republicans' problems with women and Hispanics, I disagree. If you think his foreign policy is sound, you are obviously not listening to the same man I'm listening to.

So, there's a civil war going on in the Republican Party. I hope and pray that Ted Cruz, who is a reliable conservative, can carry the banner in November, so we don't get wiped out.

A civil war in the Republican Party. Yes, there is. And it is glorious to watch. But is Ted Cruz more dangerous or less dangerous?

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