Jeff Flake Gives The Game Away

Flake admits that if the Republicans lose the presidential race, then they ought to confirm Merrick Garland as quickly as possible.

A tale of misplaced priorities.

Sen. Jeff Flake (R-AZ) admits that their first priority is to get "the most conservative, qualified jurists that we can have on the Supreme Court", not for "the people to decide" at all. And should Hillary win, as expected, they'd be better off confirming Garland as quickly as possible, lest she choose someone more liberal.

The abject cynicism is appalling, but even worse if how matter-of-fact Flake is with all this.

JEFF FLAKE: I think Republicans are more than justified in waiting. That is following both principle and precedent. But the principle is to have the most conservative, qualified jurists that we can have on the Supreme Court, not that the people ought to decide before the next election. I’ve never held that position. If we come to a point, I’ve said all along, where we’re going to lose the election, or we lose the election in November, then we ought to approve him quickly. Because I’m certain that he’ll be more conservative than a Hillary Clinton nomination comes January.

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