Michelle Fiore: Aim Your Guns At Anyone, Even If They Are Cops!

Nevada lawmaker, Michelle Fiore, suggests the public aim their guns at whoever they want, even law enforcement!

Nevada lawmaker and Bundy family best friend and personal cheerleader, Michelle Fiore, has some excellent advice for gun owners. Aim your guns at anyone and everyone! Law enforcement pulls a gun on you, then she says you are totally within your right to challenge them to a Texas (or Nevada, in this case) style shootout!

I wonder how the local and state law enforcement feel about this recommendation. Their law enforcement officers have now been put on notice that if they pull a firearm on a potential law breaking citizen, that Michelle Fiore has advised them to pull their firearm and point it back at said law enforcement.

Her exact words:

“I would never ever point my firearm at anyone, including an officer of the law, unless they pointed their firearm at me, but once you point your firearm at me, I’m sorry, then it becomes self-defense. Whether you’re a stranger, a bad guy, or an officer, and you point your gun at me and you’re gonna shoot me and I have to decide whether it’s my life or your life, I choose my life.”

Unless you are black or Hispanic. Or a child. Or holding a bb gun. Like, Tamir Rice, Andy Lopez, Dedric Colvin, or Jamar Nicholson.

Oh wait, those were kids holding fake guns. And they were not aiming at police. So they SHOULD have aimed at police or not? Because in all these cases, these kids were playing with toys, albeit decent replicas, and were shot or killed for just playing.

So what is the right answer? Only white people can play with guns and point them anyone they want and not be scared? Like those fun campers, the Bundy fake militia *patriots* who Fiore supports?

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