Midday Open Thread - Happy Readathon Day! Whatcha Reading?

It's National Readathon Day!

Turns out today is Readathon Day. A great excuse to sit and read!

National Readathon Day will take place on Saturday, May 21, 2016. It is a day dedicated to the joy of reading and giving, when readers everywhere can join together in their local library, school, bookstore, and on social media (#Readathon2016) to read and raise funds in support of literacy. This year, Readathon Day is presented as part of ALA’s Libraries Transform campaign, and will benefit ALA's Every Child Ready to Read initiative, a program that supports the early literacy development of children from birth to age five in libraries across the nation.

It's also an opportunity for all of us to share what we're reading and make suggestions for summer reading lists.

So if you have a book you are currently reading or something you look forward to reading this summer, please share it in comments.

For me? I'm currently reading The Lost Time Accidents. (Soooo good.)

I am looking forward to the release of the third book in the Passages Trilogy, The City of Mirrors (comes out in three days!). Weighs two pounds and has 624 pages. Yep, that'll keep me busy for an entire summer.

Share what you're reading in comments. It's a book-rich open thread.

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