O’Reilly: Black Lives Matter Is Killing Americans

Bill-O with another ad hominem attack against the Black Lives Matter movement.

Forget the dog whistles. Fox's Bill O'Reilly went straight for the racist blow horns during his Talking Points Memo this Wednesday evening.

In O'Reilly's world, protesting against police brutality and violence perpetrated by the police makes you responsible for all of the gun violence and deaths in our cities across America, and let's the police off of the hook if any of them decide they're not going to do their jobs because they're angry about the protests.

Basically it just boils down to O'Reilly deciding to cherry pick some stats as another excuse to go off on another one of these race baiting rants of his.

From Bill-O's blog for anyone who either can't or wants to spare themselves the misery of watching the clip above: How Black Lives Matter Is Killing Americans

First, the stats - and they are stunning.

Since the Ferguson chaos, murders in the USA’s 50 largest cities are up close to 17% -- and much higher in cities with large black populations.

In Chicago this year alone, shootings are up around 80%.

Why? Because the Chicago police have stopped stopping suspicious people.

So-called "pedestrian stops" are down 90% in the Windy City.

When you fail to police pro-actively, people commit more crimes.

The media will not spotlight that much of the violent crime in America is being committed by young black men.

In fact, black males between the ages of 14 and 17 commit homicide at a rate 10-times higher than white and Hispanic male teenagers combined.

And blacks of all ages commit homicide at a rate eight times higher than whites and Hispanics combined.

Conclusion - there is a violent sub-culture in the African-American community that should be exposed and confronted.

Enter the Black Lives Matter crew, which roams around the country promoting a false narrative that American police officers are hunting down and killing blacks.

Here's the truth:

Police shot whites at a rate of 50% in 2015.

Police shot blacks at a rate of 26%.

In addition, Black Lives Matter is now infringing on freedom of assembly and freedom of expression.

In Chicago at DePaul University this happened Tuesday night:

((Black Lives Matter Protesters Interrupt DePaul University Event))

So there is no question that Black Lives Matter is affecting the United States.

A new book by Heather Mac Donald entitled "The War on Cops: How the New Attack on Law and Order Makes Everyone Less Safe," starkly lays out the threat from the radical group, which openly attacks CompStat -- a policy placing officers where violent crime is taking place.

Here's a quote from Ms. Mac Donald:

“In terms of economic stimulus alone, no other government program has come close to the success of [CompStat]. In New York City, businesses that had shunned previously drug-infested areas now set up shop there, offering residents a choice in shopping and creating a demand for workers. … Children could ride their bikes on city sidewalks without their mothers worrying that they would be shot. But the crime victories of the last two decades, and the moral support on which law and order depends, are now in jeopardy thanks to the falsehoods of the Black Lives Matter movement.”

Summing up, thousands more Americans are being murdered because police are now more passive since the Ferguson situation and the Black Lives Matter protests.

Talking Points believes every American should know the truth.

Sympathetic media and many race hustlers are backing Black Lives Matter.

The final indignity? Members of the group have even been invited to the White House.

And that's the memo.

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