Oklahoma Continues Marching Backwards Into The 1950's With New Laws

Oklahoma passes more stupid laws.

Oklahoma continues its stampede back into the 1950's with a set of new laws designed to take away women's rights completely, keep food out of the mouths of kids and reduce tax credits for the poor. Oh, and while these terrible legislators were fighting over how to make lives of the women and poor even more miserable, a bridge collapsed in Oklahoma City over the Northwest Expressway.

Yesterday's awful law makes it a felony to perform an abortion for any reason. Rape? Incest? Nope. Nothing you can do. Doctors that perform them face losing their medical license and prison time. Wow. Wait, isn't this a violation of that silly little Supreme Court case, Roe v. Wade?

The authors of the bill remind that their law, as currently written, is unconstitutional, but they believe the time is ripe to overturn Roe, a not-so-subtle play for voter intensity over the open Supreme Court appointment currently pending.

UPDATE: Late breaking news that the Governor vetoed the abortion bill. Phew!

Today's newest terrible law targets the Earned Income Credit, specifically punishing those hardest hit by low income - single parents, minimum wage workers, etc.

OKPolicy.org reports that the new legislation (SB 1604) would "make the state Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) non-refundable, slashing its benefit for working families by $28.1 million — a cut of nearly 75 percent." This is untenable and would have long lasting and devastating effects on the population it is targeting - exactly what the GOP wanted. Make them suffer, make them all suffer.

Instead of taking money from the poor that they so desperately need, maybe find other ways to help your state budget. A good start would be to stop the attack on women's rights. That would save a ton of money!

And infrastructure. Think of the jobs created if you'd just spend some money before those bridges collapse!

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